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Currently Shopping by:
  1. Remove This Item Light Colour: Cool White (4200K)
Colour Rendering (CRI)
  1. CRI 90+ (4)
  1. White (3)
  2. Black (3)
  3. Silver (4)
  4. Bronze (1)
Light Source
  1. Dedicated LED (4)
Light Colour
  1. Very Warm White (2700K) (6)
  2. Warm White (2900K-3000K) (6)
  3. Cool White (4200K) (4)
  4. Red (5)
  5. Green (5)
  6. Blue (5)
  7. Amber (5)
Max Lumens (at 3000K)
  1. 1-149 (4)
Maximum wattage/fitting
  1. 1 - 2.5w (4)
Fitting Input
  1. 350mA (4)
  2. 500mA (4)
  3. 700mA (1)
IP Rating/Wet Area Zone
  1. Wet Zone 0 (IP67+) (4)
Energy efficient?
  1. Yes (Part L Compliant) (4)
£0 £152 £0 to £152

Staircase Lighting

An selection of recessed fittings used to light staircases